
What To Expect After a Bed Bug Treatment

What to expect after a bed bug treatment. So, you have just had a bed bug treatment done at your business or place of residence – now what needs to be done?  The answers to many questions raised about post-treatments…

Considering the True Cost of a Bed Bug Infestation

Considering the True Cost of a Bed Bug Infestation Sometimes learning the total cost of eradicating bed bugs can be far more frightening than seeing an actual bed bug itself. Most always, the cost is substantially more than simply going…

New Clean Republic – A Cleaner Way to Clean

THE CLEAN REPUBLIC WAY Cleaning responsibly has never been more important than it is right now as we are in the midst of a global pandemic and the possibility of encountering even of more aggressive virus strains. The frequency in…

What is Aseptic Plus?

So, What is Aseptic plus? Let’s find out! Do you need to disinfect your facility but you are unsure which solution would be the most appropriate for your property? During your research, you may have discovered a few different products…

What to do after heat treatment for bed bugs

I have heated the room just like the instructions directed – now what? This is a guide on what to do after heat treatment for bed bugs. Unlike precautions following a chemical treatment, it is safe to enter the room…

Where to look for bed bugs

Performing your own Bed Bug Inspections    Where to begin … Knowing where to look for bed bugs is one of the first steps in eliminating the pests. Knowing how a bed bug lives will help you understand where to look for them. Bed bugs routinely have a distinct behavior pattern based upon their eating habits and daily activities. They are nocturnal; therefore, they…

How to Identify a Bed Bug

What does a bed bug look like? Various bed bugs may have different shapes and colors depending upon where they are in their life cycle and the length of time since their most recent meal.  Prior to a meal, an…

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Heat Treatment FAQs

Dear Valued Customers, As you watch the news you will find there is no shortage of updates or regulations regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) in recent days. We are actively monitoring and following the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization and…