Akai Suddeth

Akai Suddeth

History & Resurgence of Bed Bugs

Everyone, or almost everyone, has at one time or another been told the phrase, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Bed bugs have been bothering humans for thousands of years. They’ve been around since ancient times…

Are bed bugs going away?

Are bed bugs going away

You may be under the impression that bed bugs are no longer an issue in the United States and that there is no need to take precautions when traveling. This is a problematic assumption. The question is, are bed bugs…

Are Bed Bugs going away?

Are Bed Bugs going away? Recently, in an interview with 60 Minutes, the president of the United States announced that the Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic has ended. Does this mean that no one will ever again die from contracting Covid-19? Does it mean that no one will ever again be sick…