Performing your own Bed Bug Inspections
Where to begin …
Knowing where to look for bed bugs is one of the first steps in eliminating the pests. Knowing how a bed bug lives will help you understand where to look for them.
Bed bugs routinely have a distinct behavior pattern based upon their eating habits and daily activities. They are nocturnal; therefore, they are seldom seen during the daytime hours.
Your initial search for bed bugs would most typically be based upon their eating routine.
True to their name, beds and sleeping areas are the most predominate place to look. Bed bugs are naturally attracted to carbon dioxide. As humans breathe, we exhale carbon dioxide. That is the reason bed bugs love beds – darkness, carbon monoxide, and blood. Once a bed bug has consumed its blood meal, it will retreat to a hiding place away from light and exposure.
The first place to examine would be on, around, under and behind the headboard. After searching the headboard of the bed, a check of the sheets, mattress and box springs should be next. Carefully pull back the bedding and look for signs that bedbugs have been in that area. Signs of bed bug presence are blood spots and fecal stains on the textiles. When checking the mattress, it is imperative that the mattress piping (decorative binding around the cover) around the perimeter edges of the mattress be inspected thoroughly. This is a secure place for bed bugs to hide. They will crawl as deep alongside the mattress piping as possible. Also, be sure to move the mattress off to the side to inspect the material around the box springs. It is critical to check all beads and folds in the material.
If someone regularly sleeps on a sofa or couch, the similar procedures should be applied. Search where the head is typically laid and check the beads around the pillow cushions and under the cushions.
As a general rule, bed bugs prefer textiles over hard surfaces like wood, metal, ceramic, and porcelain. However, if bed bugs go unchecked, an infestation can occur. When this happens, the bed bugs will multiply and can be found in various textiles like curtains, clothing, pillows, bed throws, carpet and furniture cushions.
If you or your staff need additional information about bed bugs, please contact one of our experienced experts today.