Phone: 844.364.3281
Pest Control
As a pest control technician, you have a noteworthy impact on the quality of life for the customers you serve. You fearlessly conduct inspections looking for evidence of pests. Then, identify and exterminate those pests from homes and businesses. More importantly, you take great pride in helping people solve their unique troubles such as an invasion of bed bugs.
Bed bugs have been a nuisance for many years and have become increasingly widespread. Over the years, more technicians and organizations have been turning to pest control heat treatments for eradication, reducing their exposure to chemical.
Pest control companies understand that bed bug heat treatments significantly mirror many of the same qualities people consider when selecting a pest management professional. Customer Service: heat kills bed bugs in the initial service with no need of retreatments due to resistance. Safety: heat reduces the risk of chemical allergens and reactions. Value: 100% effectiveness – heat kills bed bugs the first time, every time. Reputation: customers who have done research on successful eradication of bed bugs know that heat treatments are a proven method of extermination.
Confident pest control operators are not afraid of bed bugs. Successful pest control technicians are not afraid to use heat!

Pest Control Operators Currently Using Thermal Remediation by TempAir
The BK10-480B is perfect for pest control technicians who need a heater that can be easily transported and run by one service.
This unit is equipped with a luggage handle and wheels and is designed with convenience for easy transportation of the heater. This heater was specifically designed to operate in conjunction with the Sunbelt TempAir 480-volt generator and cabling systems. It has 10-kilowatts and will treat 400-500 square feet with one 110-volt 5-amp circuit and one 480-volt 12-amp circuit. This lightweight heater weighs only 26 pounds and is compact in size measuring 19”x13”x17″, significantly smaller than the competitor’s model. It is designed and built in the USA. It has 33,936 BTUs.
Pest Control Operators Treating Residential (Apartments and Homes)
The BK20 is the most powerful electric bed bug heater for treating apartments or houses
The BK20 Commercial Bed Bug Heater was designed for ease-of-use in the pest control industry. It treats homes or apartments up to 950 square feet with a single 250-volt 50-amp circuit and six separate 110-volt 20-amp circuits. A Winco Generator may be used to partially power this heater. It is lightweight, easy to transport with a suitcase handle and wheels, durable, and safe. The BK20 Bed Bug Heater has 65,489 BTUs, is a one-piece, compact unit weighing only 32.5 pounds, and measures 23”x12”x18”.
The BK17 is ideal for treating apartments or houses with 250-volt 50/40-amp power and 250-volt 30-amp power
The BK17 Commercial Bed Bug Heater was designed specifically for pest control operators who treat apartments and homes with a bed bug infestation. It is powered with a simple four plug system using the power outlet from one 250-volt 40- or 50-amp circuit (stove), one 250-volt 30-amp circuit (dryer), and two 110-volt circuits. A Winco Generator may be used to partially power this heater. This is one of the most powerful bed bug heaters built for the apartment or residential market. It kills bed bugs in 6-10 hours and is American-made. The BK17 Bed Bug Heater has 57,321 BTUs and is a one-piece compact unit weighing only 31 pounds.
Pest Control Technicians Treating Hotels with PTACs
The BK15-265/277 is great for treating larger hotel room for bed bugs
The BBHD12-265/277 is perfect for heat treating bed bugs in hotel room
Pest Control Operators Treating Apartments, Homes, Hotels, or any Commercial Property
Black Widow 800 Propane Bed Bug Heater
The Black Widow 800 Direct-Fired Propane Bed Bug Heater features a quiet and efficient operation. The Black Widow 800’s compact design makes it easy to transport through elevators and narrow hallways for ease of use in apartment complexes, high rise buildings, and housing authorities. It includes a 450 cfm built-in fan, is thermostat controlled, and easy to set up. This propane bed bug heater has 85,000 BTUs to treat 850 – 1,000 square feet. This high heat capacity is equivalent to 25.4 kW of electric heat. The remote temperature controls offer a safe, simple way to set the target temperature and monitor it during the treatment of the infested bed bug area. Effective bed bug heat treatment can be completed in as little as 4 hours for smaller spaces and 8 hours for larger units.
Pest Heat TPE-500 Propane Heat System
The Pest Heat TPE-500 Propane Heat System is the original and most imitated single-phase, direct-drive propane bed bug heater on the market. It produces 500,000 BTUs per hour and easily achieves target kill temperatures of 121°F to 140°F in areas as large as 2,500 square feet when used with 8 high-temperature fans. Temperatures are monitored and recorded remotely from numerous temperature sensors placed strategically throughout the room using the TEGAM system. The powerful Pest Heat Heater will also kill fleas, ticks, dry wood and Formosan termites, spiders, roaches, stored pests such as Grain Beatles, and most other insects.