7 Interesting Things About Bed Bugs You Didn’t Know

Bed bugs are one of the most talked about pests on the planet. These tiny parasitic arachnids can be found wherever humans are found and can cause major discomfort for those in both residential and commercial properties. In this guide, our pest control experts at PrevSol Bed Bug Heat Doctor provide 7 interesting facts about bed bugs that aren’t your run-of-the-mill platitudes. We also share resources and helpful links to our line of highly-effective bed bug heaters and other anti-pest products. Read on for 7 Interesting Things About Bed Bugs You Didn’t Know. Stay bed bug-free with our PrevSol Bed Bug Heat Doctor team today!

Bed Bugs Aren’t Only Found in Beds

Contrary to what their name might suggest, bed bugs inhabit more than just beds. In fact, bed bugs will live anywhere human blood is easily accessible. Indoors, this includes upholstered furniture, carpeting, drawers and bookshelves, clothing, luggage, and several other objects and areas. Bed bugs also often inhabit places such as public transportation, waiting rooms, and hospitality locations.

Bed Bugs Aren’t Only Found in Cities

Common places where bed bugs are found include both homes and businesses, transportation of all kinds, and other indoor locations. While bed bug infestations are more frequent in cities, they are by no means limited to urban areas. Bed bugs are quite hardy and expert hitchhikers. They’ll go wherever human blood can be found. A recent study conducted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) showed that bed bugs are found in all 50 states.

Bed Bugs Can Be Seen With the Naked Eye

Bed bugs aren’t very big. Adults reach sizes of 3 – 5 millimeters in length, while nymphs are typically no longer than 2 millimeters long. However, despite their small size, bed bugs can still be glimpsed with the naked eye. Even their eggs, which are translucent and no larger than a pinhead, can still be spotted upon close inspection.

When checking for bed bugs at home or your next hotel room, we recommend using the EPA’s bed bug ID printout to help you identify bed bugs and their eggs during your bed bug check. Adult bed bugs and nymphs are oval-shaped and reddish-brown in color. When stepped on or crushed, they leave behind red streaks or marks on fabric. Eggs are translucent in color, pill-shaped, and scarcely larger than a poppy seed or pinhead.

Bed Bugs Do Not Have Wings and Cannot Fly or Jump

Many people believe that bed bugs’ prolificacy as pests comes from their mobility. While it is true that bed bugs are quite mobile, this is only due to their capabilities as hitchhikers. Bed bugs do not possess any of the physical traits that make insects or bugs agile movers. While adult bed bugs do have the vestiges of wings (called wing pads), they do not fully develop into functional wings. Thus, bed bugs cannot fly. And unlike fleas or mites, bed bugs cannot jump. They instead crawl at a relatively slow pace.

Bed Bug Bites Do Not Always Show Up On Our Skin

Bed bugs may feed on human skin, but their bites don’t always show themselves. While most people who have been bitten by bugs will notice small red bumps, blotches, and irritation on their skin, others will not show signs of bed bug bites at all. In fact, studies reported by the EPA show that 30% of people do not show signs of bed bug bites when bitten.

Bed Bugs Are Becoming Resistant to Insecticides

There are a number of bed bug extermination “solutions” on the market today. Among these are commonly-used insecticides: chemical treatments designed to kill bed bugs. However, recent studies have shown that a large population of extant bed bugs have developed at least partial resistance to the chemicals used in common insecticide treatments. These chemicals include deltamethrin, bifenthrin, and chlorfenapyr.

Heat Kills All Bed Bugs

Unlike increasingly-effective insecticides, heat is a 100%-effective bed bug extermination solution when administered at sufficient temperatures. All bed bugs die at 111̊F. Their eggs die at 117̊F. At PrevSol Bed Bug Heat Doctor, we design bed bug heaters that heat rooms to temperatures easily exceeding 140F to ensure that all bed bugs are exterminated within a given space. Explore our website to learn more about the many benefits of our bed bug heaters, and head over to our Shop page to browse the many excellent pest control products we offer.


“Why Bed Bugs Are Becoming So Much Harder to Kill.” TIME. http://time.com/4733708/bed-bugs-insecticide-resistance/

“Bed Bugs in America: New Survey Reveals Impact on Everyday Life.” PestWorld.org. https://www.pestworld.org/news-hub/press-releases/bed-bugs-in-america-new-survey-reveals-impact-on-everyday-life/

Bed Bugs. NYC Health. http://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/bedbugs.page

Bed Bug Myths. EPA. https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/bed-bug-myths

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